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Books and Lectures

Mr.Milan Oleríny, MSc. is the author of many articles that deal with the issues of overseas construction work and, recently, especially with tender proceedings, contracts and the claim agenda.

In his articles in professional magazines, he deals, in a detailed manner, with the problems of tender proceedings, and he compares the practice of tenders of German investors (VOB and BGB conditions) with the American and international practice (FIDIC conditions). As to contracts for construction work and designing and consulting services, he also refers to the differences between conditions of foreign clients and the constructional practice in Czech Republic. Recently, he pays special attention to the claim agenda in which the contractors exert their requirements, that arise from changes and amendments of the contracts, towards clients.

The mentioned articles, as well as the problems of construction projects management, are published in the magazines "Materiály pro stavbu" ("Materials for Construction"), "Stavitel" ("Constructor"), "Projekt" ("Project") and, in Slovakia, in the "Stavba" ("Construction") magazine.

On the basis of his experience in counseling abroad, Mr. Oleríny wrote an internal publication called "A Manual for Enterprise in Thailand", where he worked as external counselor for business and constructional activities.

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